It is the first Friday of 2015 and the last weekend of the
Christmas holidays (Can someone please tell me how the holidays went by so
quickly?) Come next week most people will go back to school, work and normal
everyday lives. Naturally most people will be out tonight getting “turnt up”,
partying, chilling or socializing with others. To my social butterflies, my
party people and dope, cool peeps I say have fun responsibly. Remember there are 51 more weekends in 2015.
Yours truly will be home crawling the internet looking for
funny pictures and videos, binge watching ancient aliens (O_0) and lurking
social media websites. Yes I said it, I am a social media lurker. On most days I pop in once
or twice to see what’s happening and like
a ninja I exit without leaving a foot print or evidence. Every now and then I
update my profile picture, post news or current affairs articles, “like”
status updates and pictures here and there and there and most of all wish my
loved ones a happy birthday.
When I first
got on facebook eight years, I was far from a facebook ninja in fact, I was an
addicted facebook drill sergeant- loud, brash, in your face and constantly on your
timeline like white on rice. Over the years I have moved from being a facebook
drill sergeant to deactivating my account for long periods of time and to my
present ninja status. I have seen a lot of shenanigans on the
streets of facebook during this time, some of which I have listed below. I am
personally guilty of some of these at one point or the other.
Disclaimer: The following
are the thoughts and opinions of Lady B, a professional people watcher and a semi professional facebook lurker. They come in good faith
and are not personal attacks on anyone, all the names used are fictional. Shoot
not the messenger!
Facebook Diary

In many people’s mind
facebook is a digital diary where they can let out every single personal activity, event, thought and feelings
regardless of whether other people need to know this or not.
Fatu: Eating foo and okra
soup with my hands… Yum. Yabome: will go underwear shopping for
her booski tomorrow. Abu: I just
shaved and showered, I am feeling so
fresh and so clean. To you all I say sometimes less
is more and besides we don’t need to know your every single and personal move. An actual diary will work better. Folks who keep updating their status every 30 minutes. We your unsolicited facebook audience acknowledge your presence and the fact you live an
exciting life. There is no need to fill our timelines with your day
's activity. I recommend a reality TV show, that way you get paid for over sharing your awesome self with the public. On a serious note, this is not a safe habit, there are lots of bad and sketchy people out their lurking social media sites looking for preys. You arm them with critical information when you post every minute detail about yourself on social media ( says the criminal minds TV show buff).