The Inspire series kicks off with a poem written by Victor Osman Forna, a young talented Sierra Leonean
high school student and writer currently residing in
the country in the mist of the Ebola out
When Ebola came to Sierra Leone, it had a devastating effect
on everybody, both home and abroad. Everybody was stressed out, no schools, a
state of emergency, some people even traveled out of the country seeking safety elsewhere, but
some like myself stayed. And I have seen how tensed and sad this virus made my
lovely country, how horrible the news on TV were, this filled me with emotions,
it made me sad, it made me fear, there was nothing I could do, the only way I
could overcome these feelings was through my passion, writing. I took my pen
and the words just flowed out from the bottom of my heart, I wrote "Hope
in a time of Ebola." It is a piece that means a lot to me.
Enjoy and be inspired!